Learn about the benefits of becoming an Individual Microentrepreneur (MEI) in Brazil:
- Counts as Contribution Time to INSS by paying R$ 60.00 per month
- Generates fiscal and financial backing of up to R$ 90,000 for sending money to Brazil
- After 180 days as an MEI, it is possible to finance a property in Brazil
- Disability retirement
- Maternity leave
- Generates fiscal and financial income for individuals
- Provides proof of income for the U.S. visa process
- Can open a bank account as a legal entity (PJ)
- Can purchase health insurance plans as a legal entity (PJ)
Do some of these benefits make sense for you?
If so, just click the link and fill out the form
BR All7 Service LTDA
US All7 Service LLC
+1 (914) 609-8707